Requested by Bahrain Authority for Culture & Antiquities, I collaborated with Bahrain National Museum to create a leading experimental initiative. With the target of making youth an active part of the museum sprite, “Object’s inspiration” is a monthly program that have been designed to make new creative content for about museum’s artifact of the month. The program is consist of three parts:
Part One – The Workshop
In the workshop, Participants have an exclusive opportunity to be close to the artifact for 3 hours with no barrier to produce their creative content.
Part Two – Publishing the Results
Workshop results would be then published in social media, where BACA will promote these works for few weeks.
Part Three – The Lecture
In the lecture, Participants will present and talk about their works before an open discussion panel that is interactive with the audience.
August’s “object of the month” in Bahrain National Museum was a stone from Alkhamis Mosque.
August Workshop
Participants Results
Participant #1
Malak Lateef
“time controversy” – Poetic work

Participant #2
Ameen Adel
“Imagination” – Drawing work

Participant #3
Hussain Ghanim
“The Unknown Stone” – 3D art work